

We accept utility payments online to help make life a little easier for our residents. Please make sure you select 'Utilities' when using our Point and Pay system. We do not accept payments through Point and Pay for assessments or recreation at this time.

Assessments can be paid in our office or by mail.

Recreation can be paid at our Recreational Complex.

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Notice of Transaction fee:
Payment Amount...........Fee
$0.01 - $50.00...............$2.00
$50.01 - $100................$2.95
$100.01 and above........$2.95 + additional $2.00 for each $100 or fraction thereof.


It is the goal of Sun 'n Lake to do our part for the environment and Go Green whenever possible.

Join us in our effort by opting to receive your Utility Bill online. Click here to sign-up TODAY!