SNL Special Infrastructure Charge

SNL Special Infrastructure Charge

Please be aware that utility bills are going out this week and will show your Special Infrastructure Charge. Below are frequently asked questions we have been receiving about the charge.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Proposed New Wastewater Treatment Plant

Why are we building a new Wastewater Treatment Plant?

Our current plants are reaching their 50-year life expectancy. The new plant will be built with the newest technology and will ensure a premiere quality of wastewater treatment service to current and future residents for another 50 years.

How long will the new plant take to build?
Beginning in 2024, we expect to have the plant constructed and fully operational plant by 2029.

Will there be any interruption of services?
No, there is no impact on services expected during the construction of the new plant.

How much will it cost? How are we paying for it?
The total cost is approximately $85 million dollars. We expect a State Grant for $55 million along with other Federal & State funding to assist in the construction. Although we are seeking funding for over 60% of the cost, residents, businesses & property owners within Sun’ n Lake will also contribute through a Special Infrastructure Charge.

How much will this “Special Infrastructure Charge” cost?
Every property within Sun ‘n Lake, whether residence, business or vacant property, will be assessed a Special Infrastructure Charge of $2,700.

How & when will I be charged this fee? What if I can’t pay all at once? What if I want to pay in full?
Starting in February, customers will see the Special Infrastructure Charge on their monthly utility bill. You can also choose to pay $15 per month, which will be added to your regular utility bill, or you can choose to make annual payments of $180. The remaining balance owing on the Special Charge will appear monthly on your utility bill.

How long will the Special Assessment Charge be collected?
If you do not choose to pay the charge in full, the monthly $15 payments or annual $180 payment will continue for 15 years, until the total amount of $2,700 has been paid.

What if I don’t have water & sewer on my property and don’t receive a monthly utility bill?
In April 2024, all landowners will receive a Special Assessment bill noting the Special Infrastructure Charge, with two payment options available. Until December 2024, you can pay the charge in full with a 15% early pay discount - making your total charge only $2,295. Or, you can choose to make annual payments of $180. The remaining balance owing on the Special Charge will appear on your regular annual assessment bill.

I own a property, but have a tenant who pays the utility bill - who is responsible?
The landowner is responsible to the District for the Special Infrastructure Charge payment. Whether or not the charge is passed on to a tenant is a matter between the landlord and tenant.

What if I sell my property?
The Special Infrastructure Charge will remain with the property – any outstanding balance will be conveyed to the new owner. Whether or not you wish to settle at closing for the balance or recoup any amount you have already paid, is a matter between seller and buyer.